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Thomas Bedorf

FernUniversität Hagen

Thomas Bedorf studied philosophy, history, French and political science in Münster, Paris and Bochum. He was a member of the DFG Graduate School "Phenomenology and Hermeneutics" at the Ruhr University in Bochum and obtained his PhD from the same university in 2002. Since 2002, he has worked for the University of Hagen, serving as Dean of the Faculty for Cultural and Social Sciences in 2012-2014. He was president of the German Society for Phenomenological Research between 2015 and 2017 and Fellow at IMéRA - Institute for Advanced Study der Universität Aix-Marseille in the winter term 2019/2020.

5 Publications

Philosophien der Praxis

Thomas Bedorf, Selin Gerlek (eds)

Mohr Siebeck - Tubingen


Philosophie in ihrer historischen Tiefe und systematischen Breite Das Handbuch bemüht sich nicht nur um eine Begriffsbestimmung, sondern insgesamt um ein Denken von der Praxis her. Es beansprucht, für unser Verständnis der gesellschaftlichen und kulturellen Wirklichkeiten nicht theoretische Begriffe einfach vorauszusetzen, sondern von den Praktiken und den praktischen Vollzügen selbst erst zu erschließen.

Political phenomenology

Thomas Bedorf, Steffen Herrmann (eds)

Routledge - London


In recent years phenomenology has become a resource for reflecting on political questions. While much of this discussion has primarily focused on the ways in which phenomenology can help reformulate central concepts in political theory, the chapters in this volume ask in a methodological and systematic way how phenomenology can connect first-person experience with normative principles in political philosophy.

Phänomenologie und Praxistheorie

Phänomenologische Forschungen - Neue Folge

Thomas Bedorf, Selin Gerlek (eds)


Das soziale Band

Thomas Bedorf, Steffen Herrmann (eds)

Campus - Frankfurt am Main


Leib – Körper – Politik

Thomas Bedorf

Velbrück - Erftstadt


5 Publications