Publication details
Jahr: 2001
Pages: 347-357
Reihe: Synthese
Volle Referenz:
, "Supererogatory superluminality", Synthese 127 (3), 2001, pp. 347-357.
We argue that any superluminal theory Tis empirically equivalent to a non-superluminaltheory T★ , with thefollowing constraints onT★ : T★ preservesthe spacetime intervals between events as entailedby T, T★ is naturalistic (as longas T is), and all the events which have causesaccording to T also have causes according toT★. Tim Maudlin (1996) definesstandard interpretations of quantum mechanicsas interpretations `according to which there wasa unique set of outcomes in Aspect's laboratory,which outcomes occurred at spacelike separation’, andMaudlin claims that standard interpretations must benon-local in the sense that there are superluminalinfluences. We show (even assuming Aspect's experimentis ideal) that Maudlin's claim is false.
Cited authors
Publication details
Jahr: 2001
Pages: 347-357
Reihe: Synthese
Volle Referenz:
, "Supererogatory superluminality", Synthese 127 (3), 2001, pp. 347-357.