Publication details
Verlag: Springer
Ort: Berlin
Jahr: 1983
Pages: 137-160
Reihe: Synthese Language Library
ISBN (Hardback): 9789027719508
Volle Referenz:
, "Definite descriptions in game-theoretical semantics", in: The game of language, Berlin, Springer, 1983

Definite descriptions in game-theoretical semantics
pp. 137-160
in: , The game of language, Berlin, Springer, 1983Abstrakt
The many attractive features of Russell's treatment of definite descriptions, or as we shall also call them, the-phrases, make its failure as an overall theory ever so poignant.1 This failure needs few comments. Even if, pace Strawson, Russell's theory works perfectly when applied to definite descriptions like "the present King of France", it fail to account for the uses of the-phrases that pick up earlier reference. We shall call these the anaphoric uses of the-phrases. (1) is an example of such a use:
Publication details
Verlag: Springer
Ort: Berlin
Jahr: 1983
Pages: 137-160
Reihe: Synthese Language Library
ISBN (Hardback): 9789027719508
Volle Referenz:
, "Definite descriptions in game-theoretical semantics", in: The game of language, Berlin, Springer, 1983