Publication details
Publisher: Springer
Place: Berlin
Year: 1985
Pages: 131-147
Series: Studies in East European Thought
Full citation:
, "The systems approach", Studies in East European Thought 30 (2), 1985, pp. 131-147.

The systems approach
A. Bogdanov and L. von Bertalanffy
pp. 131-147
in: Studies in East European Thought 30 (2), 1985.Abstract
We undertake the comparison between Ludwig von Bertalanffy's General Systems Theory and Alexandr Bodganov's Tektology as two theories proposing a holistic interpretation of reality and claiming to solve problems which are unsolvable via conventional philosophic and scientific theories and methodologies. Basic misunderstandings by some Soviet authors regarding the nature of these theories — especially in the case of Tektology — are pointed out. The comparison is made in what concerns the general origins and purposes of the theories, their approaches to the problem of organization, their treatment of mathematics and their understanding of the cybernetic concept of regulation.We contend that Tektologycontains — some 15 years earlier — all the basic concepts which will be later developed by the General Theory of Systems. As we shall see, Tektology is the ultimate expansion of any theory of systems. This fact is widely ignored in contemporary specialized literature.We finally contend that both Tektology and the General Systems Theory are a sign of the times. A holistic secular monism is a respectable alternative to the failure of contemporary science and philosophy in guiding the life of men, in providing araison d'être for human existence. However, we do not explore the soundness of this alternative.
Cited authors
Publication details
Publisher: Springer
Place: Berlin
Year: 1985
Pages: 131-147
Series: Studies in East European Thought
Full citation:
, "The systems approach", Studies in East European Thought 30 (2), 1985, pp. 131-147.