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Publication details

Publisher: Springer

Place: Berlin

Year: 2007

Pages: 33-69

Series: Husserl Studies

Full citation:

Gilbert T. Null, "The ontology of intentionality I", Husserl Studies 23 (1), 2007, pp. 33-69.

The ontology of intentionality I

the dependence ontological account of order

Gilbert T. Null

pp. 33-69

in: Husserl Studies 23 (1), 2007.


This is the first of three essays which use Edmund Husserl's dependence ontology to formulate a non-Diodorean and non-Kantian temporal semantics for two-valued, first-order predicate modal languages suitable for expressing ontologies of experience (like physics and cognitive science). This essay's primary desideratum is to formulate an adequate dependence-ontological account of order. To do so it uses primitive (proper) part and (weak) foundation relations to formulate seven axioms and 28 definitions as a basis for Husserl's dependence ontological theory of relating moments. The essay distinguishes between dependence v. independence, pieces v. moments, mediate v. immediate pieces and moments, maximal v. non-maximal pieces, founded v. unfounded qualities, integrative v. disintegrative dependence, and defines the concepts of the completion of an object, the adumbrational equivalence relation of objects, moments of unity which unify objects, and relating moments which relate objects. The eight theorems [CUT90]-[CUT97] show that relating moments of unity provide an adequate account of order in terms of primitive (proper) part and (weak) foundation relations.

Cited authors

Publication details

Publisher: Springer

Place: Berlin

Year: 2007

Pages: 33-69

Series: Husserl Studies

Full citation:

Gilbert T. Null, "The ontology of intentionality I", Husserl Studies 23 (1), 2007, pp. 33-69.