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Publication details

Publisher: Springer

Place: Berlin

Year: 2017

Series: Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook

ISBN (Hardback): 9783319532578

Full citation:

Friedrich Stadler (ed), Integrated history and philosophy of science, Berlin, Springer, 2017

Integrated history and philosophy of science

problems, perspectives, and case studies

Edited by
Friedrich Stadler

Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook | 20




This book features papers on the history and philosophy of science. It also includes related reviews of recent research literature on Rudolf Carnap, Eino Kaila, Ernst Mach, and Otto Neurath. 

The central idea behind this volume is that this distinctive field is both historical and philosophical at the same time. Good history and philosophy of science is not just history of science into which some philosophy of science may enter. On the other hand, it is neither philosophy of science into which some history of science may enter. The founding insight of this modern research discipline is that history and philosophy have a special affinity and one can effectively advance both simultaneously.

Publication details

Publisher: Springer

Place: Berlin

Year: 2017

Series: Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook

ISBN (Hardback): 9783319532578

Full citation:

Friedrich Stadler (ed), Integrated history and philosophy of science, Berlin, Springer, 2017