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Publication details

Publisher: Indiana University Press

Place: Bloomington, In

Year: 2007

Pages: 15-498

Series: Studies in Continental Thought

Full citation:

Edward Casey, The world at a glance, Bloomington, In, Indiana University Press, 2007

The world at a glance

Edward Casey

pp. 15-498

Studies in Continental Thought | 1

Indiana University Press



What happens when we glance around a room? How do we trust what we see in fleeting moments? Glancing counts for more of human perception than previously imagined. An entire universe is perceived in a glance, but our quick and uncommitted attention prevents examination of these rapid acts and processes.

Publication details

Publisher: Indiana University Press

Place: Bloomington, In

Year: 2007

Pages: 15-498

Series: Studies in Continental Thought

Full citation:

Edward Casey, The world at a glance, Bloomington, In, Indiana University Press, 2007