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Publication details

Verlag: Northwestern University Press

Ort: Evanston, IL

Jahr: 1972

Pages: 30-610

Reihe: Studies in Phenomenology & Existential Philosophy

Volle Referenz:

Lester Embree (ed), Lifeworld and consciousness, Evanston, IL, Northwestern University Press, 1972

Lifeworld and consciousness

Essays for Aron Gurwitsch

Herausgegeben von
Lester Embree

pp. 30-610

Studies in Phenomenology & Existential Philosophy | 1

Northwestern University Press


Cited authors

Publication details

Verlag: Northwestern University Press

Ort: Evanston, IL

Jahr: 1972

Pages: 30-610

Reihe: Studies in Phenomenology & Existential Philosophy

Volle Referenz:

Lester Embree (ed), Lifeworld and consciousness, Evanston, IL, Northwestern University Press, 1972