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Publication details

Jahr: 2008

Pages: 329-347

Reihe: Epoché

Volle Referenz:

Martin Heidegger, "Of the origin of the work of art (first elaboration)", Epoché 12 (2), 2008, pp. 329-347.

Of the origin of the work of art (first elaboration)

Martin Heidegger

Translated by Markus Zisselsberger

pp. 329-347

in: Philosophy in translation, Epoché 12 (2), 2008.

Publication details

Jahr: 2008

Pages: 329-347

Reihe: Epoché

Volle Referenz:

Martin Heidegger, "Of the origin of the work of art (first elaboration)", Epoché 12 (2), 2008, pp. 329-347.