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Publication details

Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield

Place: London

Year: 2001

Pages: 16-223

ISBN (Undefined): 9780742511842

Full citation:

Fred Dallmayr, Achieving our world, London, Rowman & Littlefield, 2001

Achieving our world

Fred Dallmayr


Global governance and cultural diversity

Toward a cosmopolitan democracy

Beyond fugitive democracy

Some modern and postmodern reflections

Achieving our world democratically

A response to Richard rorty

Transversal encounters

Calvin schrag and postmodernity

Border crossings

Bernhard Waldenfels on dialogue

Distancing the other

Jacques Derrida on friendship

Oneself as another

Paul Ricoeur's "little ethics"

Resisting totalizing uniformity

Martin Heidegger on macht and machenschaft