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Publication details

Publisher: Nijhoff

Place: The Hague

Year: 1973

Pages: 36-624

Series: Husserliana

ISBN (Undefined): 9789024750290

Full citation:

Edmund Husserl, Zur Phänomenologie der Intersubjektivität, The Hague, Nijhoff, 1973

Zur Phänomenologie der Intersubjektivität

Zweiter Teil: 1921-1928

Edmund Husserl

Edited by
Iso Kern

pp. 36-624

Husserliana | 14



Publication details

Publisher: Nijhoff

Place: The Hague

Year: 1973

Pages: 36-624

Series: Husserliana

ISBN (Undefined): 9789024750290

Full citation:

Edmund Husserl, Zur Phänomenologie der Intersubjektivität, The Hague, Nijhoff, 1973