Claus Emmeche
monographs X
7 Publications
Multiculturalism, biosemiotics, and cross-cultural friendship
an essay review of Olteanu's multimodal semiotics of culture
Sign systems studies 47
A Peircean approach to "information" and its relationship with Bateson's and Jablonka's ideas
The American Journal of Semiotics 24
The IASS roundtable on biosemiotics
a discussion with some founders of the field
The American Journal of Semiotics 24
The chicken and the orphean egg
on the function of meaning and the meaning of function
Sign systems studies 30 (1)
Bioinvasion, globalization, and the contingency of cultural and biological Diversity
some ecosemiotic observations
Sign systems studies 29 (1)
The emergence of signs of living feeling
reverberations from the first gatherings in biosemiotics
Sign systems studies 29 (1)
7 Publications