Harald Atmanspacher
5 Publications

Knowledge and time
Hans Primas
Springer - Berlin
This is a unique volume by a unique scientist, which combines conceptual, formal, and engineering approaches in a way that is rarely seen. Its core is the relation between ways of learning and knowing on the one hand and different modes of time on the other.

Recasting reality
Harald Atmanspacher, Hans Primas (eds)
Springer - Berlin
Wolfgang Pauli was not only one of the most influential physicists of the 20th century: His huge correspondence and unpublished manuscripts also demonstrate his deep interest in questions beyond physics.
This volume explores the relevance of Pauli's visionary ideas with respect to several topics in science and philosophy that are if great contemporary interest: the role of symmetries in theoretical science; dual-aspect approaches to the mind-brain problem; the tension between psychological and physical time; the nature of creative activity and the origin of mathematical insight; and adaptive mutations and epigenetics in biology.

Der Pauli-Jung-Dialog und seine Bedeutung für die moderne Wissenschaft
Harald Atmanspacher, Hans Primas, Eva Wertenschlag-Birkhäuser (eds)
Springer - Berlin
Die Beiträge in diesem Band stützen sich vor allem auf den erst in den letzten Jahren zugänglichen, ebenso intensiven wie außergewöhnlichen Gedankenaustausch zwischen dem Physiker Wolfgang Pauli, einem der größten wissenschaftlichen Genies unseres Jahrhunderts, und dem Psychologen Carl Gustav Jung von 1931 bis 1958. Wesentliches Thema war das Problem der Wechselwirkung zwischen Geist und Materie in all seinen Facetten, von der Rolle des Unbewußten in der Physik bis zur Frage nach der Tragweite von Kausalität, Determinismus und dem Realitätsbegriff der Naturwissenschaften.

Inside versus outside
Harald Atmanspacher, Gerhard J. Dalenoort (eds)
Springer - Berlin
In our daily lives we conceive of our surroundings as an objectively given reality. The world is perceived through our senses, and ~hese provide us, so we believe, with a faithful image of the world.
5 Publications