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Stanley Cavell

40 Publikationen

Across the great divide

between analytic and continental political theory


Jeremy Arnold

Stanford-le-Hope, Stanford University Press

How do we respond?

embodied vulnerability and forms of responsiveness


Danielle Petherbridge

in: New feminist perspectives on embodiment, Basingstoke,

On homecoming

Wittgenstein, Cavell, and the odyssey


Yi-Ping Ong

Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 39 (2)

Philosophy, literature, and the burden of theory

review of Toril Moi's revolution of the ordinary: literary studies after Wittgenstein, Austin, and Cavell


Niklas Forsberg

Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 39 (2)

Review of Andrew Norris' Becoming who we are

politics and practical philosophy in the work of Stanley Cavell


Jonathan Havercroft

Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 39 (2)

The senses of slovenia

Peter Handke, Stanley Cavell, and the environmental ethics of repetition


Bernhard Malkmus

in: German ecocriticism in the anthropocene, Basingstoke,

Wittgenstein, Cavell and the register of philosophy

discerning seriousness and triviality in drama teaching


Adrián Skilbeck

in: A companion to Wittgenstein on education, Berlin,

40 Publikationen