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Regula M. Zwahlen

Regula Zwahlen is a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland. She is co­editor of the German edition of the Russian theolo­gian Sergij Bulgakov’s work and co­edits the journal "Religion & Gesellschaft in Ost und West" (Zurich, www.g2w.eu). She is the author of Das revo­lutionäre Ebenbild Gottes. Anthropologien der Menschenwürde bei Nikolaj A. Berdjaev und Sergej N. Bulgakov (Man as the revolu­tionary image of God. The philosophical anthropologies of Sergii N. Bulgakov and Nikolai A. Berdiaev) (LIT Verlag, 2010) and has published a number of essays on Russian and Soviet con­cepts of personality and on Russian Orthodox human rights discourse.

1 Publications

Sergej Bulgakov, the 'awakening giant' of Orthodox Theology

Studies in East European Thought

Regula M. Zwahlen (ed)


1 Publications