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Bas C. van Fraassen

6 Publications

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Bas van Fraassen on religion and knowledge

is there a third way beyond foundationalist illusion and bridled irrationality?


Lydia Jaeger

American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 80 (4)

Seeing the unobservable

van Fraassen and the limits of experience


Marc Alspector-Kelly

Synthese 140 (3)

Bas van Fraassen

les lois et la symétrie


Michel Ghins

Revue philosophique de Louvain 95 (4)

Reflections on reflection

van Fraassen on belief


Mitchell Green, Christopher Hitchcock

Synthese 98 (2)

In defense of laws

reflections on Bas van Fraassen's laws and symmetry


John Earman

Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 53

6 Publications

1 - 10 >