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Martin Nitsche

Senior researcher and head of the Department of Contemporary Continental Philosophy at the Institute of Philosophy at the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague. Associate professor of philosophy at the Jan Evangelista Purkyne University in Usti nad Labem (CZ), Faculty of Philosophy. Vice-president of the Society for Phenomenology of Religious Experience (international, based in Berkeley, USA). Nitsche (1975) received his PhD in philosophy in 2007 from the Charles University Prague. In 2016 he was named an associate professor at the Charles University in Prague (habilitation). 2016/17 he worked as a Fulbright Visiting Researcher at the University of California, Los Angeles, Department of Political Science. His research focuses on phenomenology, phenomenological topology (Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty), philosophy of art, aesthetics, political philosophy, theory of media, phenomenology of religion. Nitsche formulated the "transitive-topological model of phenomenology" (see in his recent book Methodical Precedence of Intertwining. An Introduction to a Transitive - Topological Phenomenology, Königshausen u. Neumann, 2018). He also published Die Ortschaft des Seins. Martin Heideggers phänomenologische Topologie (2013), 3 other books in Czech, and more than 30 papers or chapters. He is the editor of a volume Image in Space. Contributions to a Topology of Images (in a phenomenological series Libri Nigri, Bautz Verlag, 2015).

4 Publications

Phenomenology in dialogue

Open Theology

Olga Louchakova-Schwartz, Martin Nitsche (eds)


Methodical precedence of intertwining

Martin Nitsche

Königshausen & Neumann - Würzburg


The book is a research publication in phenomenology for a wider interdisciplinary (philosophy, psychology, environmental studies, political science, geography, aesthetics) interested audience. It offers a fresh conception of phenomenological philosophy by interconnecting topological approaches of late Heidegger and Merleau-Ponty with transitive thinking that can be found in Husserlian, Jamesian, Schützean, and Gurwitschian notion of the stream of consciousness.

Image in space

Martin Nitsche

Bautz - Nordhausen


Die Ortschaft des Seins

Martin Nitsche

Königshausen & Neumann - Würzburg


4 Publications