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Francisco Suárez

11 Publikationen

A jesuit debate about the modes of union

Francisco Suárez vs. Pedro Hurtado de Mendoza


Jean-Pascal Anfray

American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 93 (2)

Suárez on creation and intrinsic change


Jacob Tuttle

American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 93 (1)

Relational intentionality

Brentano and the Aristotelian tradition


Hamid Taieb

Berlin, Springer

La noción de ley en Suárez y Locke


Leopoldo J. Prieto López

Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia 71

Francisco Suárez on the ontological status of divine action

implications for the freewill debate


R. J. Matava

American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 90 (4)

International law and the natural law tradition

the influence of Verdross and Kelsen on Legaz Lacambra


Maria Elósegui

in: The threads of natural law, Berlin,

Is Suárez's concept of being analogical or univocal?


Daniel Heider

American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 81 (1)

Francisco Suárez, De legibus (IV, 1-10). Vol. VII

De lege positiva canonica, 1. Edición critica bilingüe por A. García y García, L. Pereña, V. Abril, C. Baciero, F. Rodriguez, F. Cantelar, L. Baciero, J. Manzanares y F. Maseda ; Francisco Suárez, De legibus (IV, 11-20). Vol. VIII


Jean-Pierre Deschepper

Revue philosophique de Louvain 82 (55)

Francisco Suárez, De iuramento fidelitatis

Estudio preliminar


Jean-Pierre Deschepper

Revue philosophique de Louvain 78 (39)

11 Publikationen