Ibn Rushd
17 Publications
The dialectical status of religious discourse in Averroes and Aquinas
American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 88 (2)
(Re)traduction et restitution du texte d'Ibn Rushd dans sa langue d'origine
Commentaire de la République de Platon
Noesis 21
Al-Ghazali and Ibn Rushd (Averroes) on creation and the divine attributes
in: Models of God and alternative ultimate realities, Berlin,
Averroes against Avicenna on human spontaneous generation
the starting-point of a lasting debate
in: Renaissance Averroism and its aftermath, Berlin,
Revisiting the 1552–1550 and 1562 Aristotle-Averroes edition
in: Renaissance Averroism and its aftermath, Berlin,
Humanism and the assessment of Averroes in the renaissance
in: Renaissance Averroism and its aftermath, Berlin,
The transmutations of a young Averroist
Agostino Nifo's commentary on the destructio destructionum of Averroes and the nature of celestial influences
in: Renaissance Averroism and its aftermath, Berlin,
17 Publications