Michel Dion
6 Publications
Human destiny at the edge of existential categories of life
Musil and Kundera in dialogue
in: Existence, historical fabulation, destiny, Berlin,
The dialectics between self, time and historical change according to Milan Kundera
in: Existence, historical fabulation, destiny, Berlin,
Between the dialectics of time-memory and the dialectics of duration-moment
Marcel Proust and Virginia Woolf in dialogue
in: Temporality in life as seen through literature, Berlin,
Ibn khaldûn's concept of history and the qur'anic notions of economic justice and temporality
in: Timing and temporality in Islamic philosophy and phenomenology of life, Berlin,
Basic conditionings of the inner and corporeal life
in: Logos of phenomenology and phenomenology of the logos V, Berlin,
The intuition of good/evil in Marcel Proust's A la recherche du temps perdu
From the axis of time to the axis of desire
in: The enigma of good and evil, Berlin,
6 Publications