Lev Tolstoj
articles X
18 Publications
A revolutionary as a "beautiful soul"
Lev Tolstoy's path to ethical anarchism
Studies in East European Thought 71 (1)
Tolstoy and practical spirituality
in: Practical spirituality and human development, Basingstoke,
Anthropologie et pédagogie chez Tolstoï et Vygotski
Revue Philosophique de la France et de l'Étranger 142 (3)
L'influenza delle idee di Lev Tolstoj sul pensiero di Friedrich Nietzsche Durante il lavoro sul trattato L'Anticristo
Rivista di estetica 56
Flesh, world and devil
Towards a phenomenological exposition of the ascetic interpretation of Christianity in the light of some tolstoy's short works
in: Art, literature, and passions of the skies, Berlin,
Tolstoj as analytic thinker
his philosophical defense of nonviolence
Studies in East European Thought 63 (1)
Destiny in the literature of Walker Percy, Leo Tolstoy and Eudora Welty
in: Existence, historical fabulation, destiny, Berlin,
Levin's "disobedient tears"
applying the literary semiotics of Pierre Bourdieu in Anna Karenina
The American Journal of Semiotics 22
18 Publications