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William Shakespeare

133 Publications

(Non-)belief in things

affect theory and a new literary materialism


Neil Vallelly

in: Affect theory and literary critical practice, Basingstoke,

The well is not the world

William Golding's sense of reality in darkness visible


Stephen Mulhall

in: Philosophy in the condition of modernism, Berlin,

"The isle is full of noises"

Italian voices in Strehler's la Tempesta


Manuela Perteghella

in: The Palgrave handbook of literary translation, Basingstoke,

"Still paying, still to owe"

credit, community, and small data in Shakespeare and Milton


Peter C. Herman

in: Digital Milton, Basingstoke,

Spectral Ophelia

reading manuscript cancellations contextually in Ted Hughes's Cave birds


Carrie Smith

in: Ted Hughes, nature and culture, Basingstoke,

Great circles

the transits of mathematics and poetry


Emily Rolfe Grosholz

Berlin, Springer

133 Publications