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Alain Badiou

45 Publications

Killing the father, Parmenides

on Lacan's anti-philosophy


Matthew Sharpe

Continental Philosophy Review 52 (1)

Das Dilemma der Liebe und die Poetik der Aufrichtigkeit

Heinrich Heine und Alain Badiou


Oscar Palacios

AUC Interpretationes 8 (1)

Fidelity to the event?

Lukács' history and class consciousness and the Russian revolution


Martin Jay

Studies in East European Thought 70

Platón presente

La posición de Alain Badiou sobre La República


Andrea C. Mosquera Varas

Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia 70

Alain Badiou est-il Marxiste ?

Alain Badiou, Qu'est-ce que j'entends par Marxisme ?, Paris : Les Éditions sociales, coll. " Les propédeutiques ", 2016 (78 p.)


Saliha Boussedra

Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 41

The new communism

reflections at the end of capitalism and the need for engaging minor sciences


Clayton Crockett

in: Making communism hermeneutical, Berlin,

"I am, yet what I am"

theory, being, and dis-appearance


Julian Wolfreys

in: Theory matters, Berlin,

Passive voice

democratic indifference and the vibrant matter of literature


Dirk Wiemann

in: Theory matters, Berlin,

45 Publications