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Julia Kristeva

28 Publications

Black holes

engaging with negation through the semiotic chora


Cair Crawford

in: Edusemiotics, Berlin,

Asymmetrical reciprocity and practical agency

contemporary dilemmas of feminist theory in Benhabib, Young, and Kristeva


Patricia Huntington

in: Political phenomenology, Berlin,

Dixit mater

the significance of the maternal voice in Ferrante's neapolitan novels


Emma Van Ness

in: The works of Elena Ferrante, Basingstoke,

Speaking subjects

Towards a rapprochement between phenomenology and structural linguistics


Beata Stawarska

Metodo 4 (2)

Language, memory and loss

Kristevan psychoanalytical perspectives on intertextual connections in the work of Murdoch and banville


Wendy Vaizey

in: Iris Murdoch, Basingstoke,

Progress in spirit

Freud and Kristeva on the uncanny


Vanessa Rumble

in: Phenomenologies of the stranger, New York City,

The uncanny strangeness of maternal election

Levinas and Kristeva on parental passion


Kelly Oliver

in: Phenomenologies of the stranger, New York City,

28 Publications