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John Brough

4 Publications

Phantasy, image consciousness, and memory (1898-1925)

Edmund Husserl

Springer - Berlin


The many faces of time

John Brough, Lester Embree (eds)

Springer - Berlin


On the phenomenology of the consciousness of internal time (1893-1917)

Edmund Husserl

Kluwer - Deventer


This is the first complete translation of Husserliana X, the volume in the critical edition of Husserl's work that includes his writings on time and the consciousness of time from 1893 to 1917. The texts come from a crucial period of development in Husserl's thought, and cover topics of central importance in his phenomenology and in philosophy generally.

A study of the logic and evolution of Edmund Husserl's theory of time-consciousness 1893-1917

John Brough

Georgetown University - Washington, D.C.


4 Publications