Wilhelm Wundt
articles X
The Lvov-Warsaw school and Austro-German philosophers
two cases
in: The significance of the Lvov-Warsaw school in the European culture, Berlin,
The shackles of practice
history of psychology, research assessment, and the curriculum
in: Centrality of history for theory construction in psychology, Berlin,
Intelligence defined
Wundt, James, Cattell, Thorndike, Goddard, and Yerkes
in: Handbook of intelligence, Berlin,
Un cas idéal-typique de passivité?
La théorie des raisonnements inconscients de Wilhelm Wundt
Bulletin d'Analyse Phénoménologique 8 (1)
New forms of science and new sciences of form
on the non-mathematical reception of Grassmann's work
in: From Past to Future: Graßmann's Work in Context, Berlin,