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Jan Woleński

5 Publikationen

The significance of the Lvov-Warsaw school in the European culture

Anna Broek, Friedrich Stadler, Jan Woleński (eds)

Springer - Berlin


This volume is a result of the international symposium "The Tradition of the Lvov-Warsaw School in European Culture," which took place in Warsaw, Poland, September 2015. It collects almost all the papers presented at the symposium as well as some additional ones.

The Golden age of Polish philosophy

Sandra Lapointe, Jan Woleński, Mathieu Marion, Wioletta Miskiewicz (eds)

Springer - Berlin


This volume portrays the Polish or Lvov-Warsaw School, one of the most influential schools in analytic philosophy, which, as discussed in the thorough introduction, presented an alternative "working" picture of the unity of science. The school was founded by a phenomenologist, Kazimierz Twardowski, who trained a team of researchers that included some of the most important logicians and philosophers of the history of analytical philosophy, such as Tarski, Lesniewski and Lukasiewicz.

From the act of judging to the sentence

Artur Rojszczak

Springer - Berlin


This book offers a detailed study of the truth-bearers problem, that is, the question of which category of items the predicates "true' and "false' are predicated. The book has two dimensions: historical and systematic.

Handbook of epistemology

Ilkka Niiniluoto, Matti Sintonen, Jan Woleński (eds)

Springer - Berlin


Epistemology or theory of knowledge has always been one of the most important -if not the most important -field of philosophy. New arguments are constantly brought to bear on old views, new variants are marshalled to revive ancient stands, new concepts and distinctions increase the sophistication of epistemogical theories.


5 Publikationen