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Josef Vachek

5 Publications


Josef Vachek, Libuše Dušková (eds)

Benjamins - Amsterdam


Contains key papers by the founders of the Prague School; including Vilém Mathesius famous article “Functional Linguistics” (1929), the theses presented at the First Congress of Slavists in Prague (1929), an earlier paper by Mathesius “On the potentiality of the phenomena of language” (1911), Jan Mukařovský's “Standard language and poetic language” (1932) and other historical contributions by B. Havránek, V.

Selected writings in English and general linguistics

Josef Vachek

Academia - Prague


Dutch linguistics and the Prague linguistic school

Josef Vachek



The linguistic school of Prague

Josef Vachek (ed)

Indiana University Press - Bloomington, In


A Prague school reader in linguistics

Josef Vachek (ed)

Indiana University Press - Bloomington, In


5 Publications