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Roman Jakobson

Russian philologist, pioneer of structural linguistics and phonology. Next to being one of the most significant linguists of the XXth century, he was also influential on literary theory through his involvement with Russian Formalism and the Cercle linguistique de Prague.

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Correspondance, 1942-1982

Roman JakobsonClaude Lévi-Strauss

Emmanuelle Loyer, Patrice Maniglier (eds)

Seuil - Paris


Uncollected works, 1934-1943

Roman Jakobson

Jindřich Toman (ed)

de Gruyter Mouton - The Hague


Uncollected works, 1916-1933

Roman Jakobson

Jindřich Toman (ed)

de Gruyter Mouton - The Hague


Z korespondence

Roman Jakobson

Alena Morávková (ed)

Paseka - Prague


Major works, 1976—1980

Roman Jakobson

Stephen Rudy (ed)

Mouton de Gruyter - The Hague


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