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The role of international organizations in Europeanization

the case of the league of nations and the European economic community


Patricia Clavin, Kiran K. Patel

in: Europeanization in the twentieth century, Basingstoke,

Beyond the blues

Richard Wright, psychoanalysis, and the modern idea of culture


Eli Zaretsky

in: The transnational unconscious, Basingstoke,

Fascism becomes desire

on Freud, Mussolini and transnational politics


Federico Finchelstein

in: The transnational unconscious, Basingstoke,

Paris-London-Buenos Aires

the adventures of Kleinian psychoanalysis between Europe and South America


Alejandro Dagfal

in: The transnational unconscious, Basingstoke,

Primitivity, animism and psychoanalysis

European visions of the native "soul" in the dutch East indies, 1900–1949


Frances Gouda

in: The transnational unconscious, Basingstoke,

Psychoanalysis, transnationalism and national habitus

a comparative approach to the reception of psychoanalysis in Argentina and Brazil (1910s–1940s)


Mariano Ben Plotkin

in: The transnational unconscious, Basingstoke,

The transnational unconscious

essays in the history of psychoanalysis and transnationalism


Joy Damousi, Mariano Ben Plotkin (eds)

Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan

26 Publikationen

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