Exploring the green dimensions of islam
pp. 175-186
in: Stanley , Stanley D. Brunn (eds), The changing world religion map, Berlin, Springer, 2015Abstract
The sum total of all conditions and influences that affect the development and life of organisms is called Environment. Allah made this Earth an abode for living organisms. Islam is a system which has been revealed to ensure peace and harmony. It guides humanity to a set of laws and directives which preserve and maintain the divine balance and order on our planet. It defines the position as well as responsibilities of human beings on this temporary abode. Man is not the conqueror or master of nature, but its guardian and hence protector who ensures continuity and availability of all its bounties and its maintenance and where possible for subsequent generations. Humankind is responsible for the survival and good condition of various communities and commodities it has inherited: plants, animals and fellow human beings or soil, water, air or other natural resources. Since justice, equity and balance are the main planks of Islamic system, Islam asks believers to treat all natural resources with the same spirit. The Quran declares without any ambiguity that whatever is in earth is created for everyone. Islam does not approve of a lavish or unjust consumption of resources, a wasteful attitude and extravagance. It asks the believers to spend, whatever surplus they have, on needy people and forbids its followers to disturb nature's balance. Human activities have disturbed the natural balance that existed among various components of our environment. While environmental pollution and ozone depletion are the results of our tempering with physical components of our environment, the consequences of our manipulation of living organisms through genetic engineering and modifications are yet to unfold. The Quran terms this chaos or disorder as Fasaad and forbids it.