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Publication details

Publisher: Springer

Place: Berlin

Year: 2015

Pages: 281-290

ISBN (Hardback): 9789401794039

Full citation:

Kathy L. Schuh, "The semiotics of "monk" rehearsals", in: International handbook of semiotics, Berlin, Springer, 2015

The semiotics of "monk" rehearsals

a weaving of two texts

Kathy L. Schuh

pp. 281-290

in: International handbook of semiotics, Berlin, Springer, 2015


Music provides an arena for the exploration of semiotics and the meaning that individuals make of sign systems. In this chapter, I describe monk rehearsals, an activity that I used during my teaching experience, and provide a semiotic interpretation of the two texts that the rehearsal included—musical gesture and classroom management. In my analysis of the gestural signs within my rehearsal, I draw on Peirce's (1893–1910) types of representamina (qualisigns, sinsigns, and legisigns), objects (icons, indexes, and symbols), and interpretants (rhemes, dicisigns, and arguments). The analysis indicates the insistent role of these two texts in a musical rehearsal, how they allow for communication, instruction, and the creation of music.

Cited authors

Publication details

Publisher: Springer

Place: Berlin

Year: 2015

Pages: 281-290

ISBN (Hardback): 9789401794039

Full citation:

Kathy L. Schuh, "The semiotics of "monk" rehearsals", in: International handbook of semiotics, Berlin, Springer, 2015