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Publication details

Publisher: Springer

Place: Berlin

Year: 1997

Pages: 95-112

ISBN (Hardback): 9789401063289

Full citation:

Wade L. Robison, "Monopoly with sick moral strangers", in: Reading Engelhardt, Berlin, Springer, 1997

Monopoly with sick moral strangers

Wade L. Robison

pp. 95-112

in: Reading Engelhardt, Berlin, Springer, 1997


Engelhardt believes that with the loss of firm foundations for moral theory, the only morally proper ground for public policy can be what we agree to when we meet as moral strangers. The result for health care, he thinks, is at best a multitier system with what is minimally adequate health care being contestable.

Publication details

Publisher: Springer

Place: Berlin

Year: 1997

Pages: 95-112

ISBN (Hardback): 9789401063289

Full citation:

Wade L. Robison, "Monopoly with sick moral strangers", in: Reading Engelhardt, Berlin, Springer, 1997