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Publication details

Publisher: Springer

Place: Berlin

Year: 2014

Pages: 3-14

Series: History of Analytic Philosophy

ISBN (Hardback): 9781349331895

Full citation:

Sandra Lapointe, Clinton Tolley, "Introduction", in: New anti-Kant, Berlin, Springer, 2014


The present volume contains an altogether remarkable document in the history of nineteenth-century philosophy: a critical commentary on the most influential systematic work (the Critique of Pure Reason) of one major philosopher (Kant), written from the point of view of another major systematic philosopher (Bolzano), just decades after the former"s publication. Bolzano, at the height of his powers, and with his mature philosophical views having fully taken shape with the publication of his Theory of Science (1837), undertakes the project of engaging, key point by key point, with Kant"s masterwork. In collaboration with Bolzano, František Příhonský (who would ultimately publish the final record of this work in 1850, shortly after Bolzano"s death) both compiles a comprehensive and thorough summary of the main definitions, theses, and arguments in Kant"s book, and then proceeds to bring to light the most important unclarities, confusions, and fallacies that he finds each step along the way. The result, New Anti-Kant, is not only an extremely useful and even-handed overview of the entire first Critique itself — including parts often neglected by even Kant"s most sympathetic readers — but also a catalogue of philosophically insightful and textually well-grounded challenges to signature Kantian doctrines. This work helps us to see anew the overarching contours of Kant"s philosophy, and brings a fresh focus onto deep points of tension within Kant"s system — all the while serving to introduce us, through instructive contrast, to the powerful alternative perspective that Bolzano develops in his own systematic philosophy.

Cited authors

Publication details

Publisher: Springer

Place: Berlin

Year: 2014

Pages: 3-14

Series: History of Analytic Philosophy

ISBN (Hardback): 9781349331895

Full citation:

Sandra Lapointe, Clinton Tolley, "Introduction", in: New anti-Kant, Berlin, Springer, 2014