Social networks and relational sociology
pp. 167-183
in: Seth Abrutyn (ed), Handbook of contemporary sociological theory, Berlin, Springer, 2016Abstract
In this chapter I outline and develop the key principles of relational sociology, as I conceive of it, showing how this approach affords a "third way' between methodological individualism and unhelpful forms of holism. The chapter is theoretical in orientation and argues that the concepts "interaction', "tie' and "network' should be at the forefront in our attempt to understand the social world. I argue that theoretical innovation must be mirrored in the domain of methodology, however; that relational theory calls for relational methodologies and methods. To this end I offer a brief introduction to social network analysis (SNA), an approach to data gathering and analysis (albeit one amongst others) which, in my view, allows us to translate theoretical ideas regarding relationality into research practice. The chapter concludes with a reflection upon relational sociology's capacity to deal with issues of both agency/structure and the so-called micro/macro divide.