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Publication details

Publisher: Springer

Place: Berlin

Year: 2002

Pages: 369-377

Series: Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook

ISBN (Hardback): 9789048159765

Full citation:

A. W. Carus, "The philosopher without qualities", in: History of philosophy of science, Berlin, Springer, 2002


The revival of interest in Carnap's philosophy over the past two decades has shed much light on particular aspects of his intellectual development and its context. We now have a better appreciation of the background and motivation of the Aufbau. 1 The radical nature of the Syntax program has fmally, more than half a century after its first publication, begun to be acknowledged.2 And the later Carnap has also been re-assessed; the previously widespread impression that Quine was "right" and Carnap "wrong" in the analytic-synthetic debate has yielded to a more balanced view3, and the broad outlines of Camap's late philosophy have begun to emerge.4

Cited authors

Publication details

Publisher: Springer

Place: Berlin

Year: 2002

Pages: 369-377

Series: Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook

ISBN (Hardback): 9789048159765

Full citation:

A. W. Carus, "The philosopher without qualities", in: History of philosophy of science, Berlin, Springer, 2002