Grassmann's "Wörterbuch des rig-veda" (dictionary of rig-veda)
a milestone in the study of vedic sanskrit
pp. 353-361
in: Steve Russ, Jörg Liesen (eds), From Past to Future: Graßmann's Work in Context, Berlin, Springer, 2011Abstract
The RV, translated literally as "the knowledge of the hymns of praise", is the oldest literary monument of the Indian language. It contains 1,028 hymns (s¯ukt¯as), that are distributed among ten books or song cycles (man.d.al¯as) according to clearly recognisable principles. The division into ten books is not coincidental. Books II–VII, the so-called family books, stem from important families of poets. man.d.al¯a IXcontains mainly songs to Soma.