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Publication details

Publisher: Springer

Place: Berlin

Year: 1975

Pages: 13-28

Series: Phaenomenologica

ISBN (Hardback): 9789024717514

Full citation:

, "The results of the investigations into outer perception and the constitutive analysis of objects of the real world", in: On the motives which led Husserl to transcendental idealism, Berlin, Springer, 1975

The results of the investigations into outer perception and the constitutive analysis of objects of the real world

pp. 13-28

in: Roman W. Ingarden, On the motives which led Husserl to transcendental idealism, Berlin, Springer, 1975


It is undoubtedly possible to hold that the position of transcendental idealism is not reached simply by using phenomenological reduction and by avoiding the error of petitio principii in epistemology. Sometimes it seems that even using this reduction it is possible to avoid the idealist solution but this solution is adopted only because, in carrying out the analysis of outer perception and the constitutive analysis (Betrachtung) certain decisions are made about various substantial matters that lead unavoidably to transcendental idealism in relation to the external world and even in relation to all transcendent objects.

Publication details

Publisher: Springer

Place: Berlin

Year: 1975

Pages: 13-28

Series: Phaenomenologica

ISBN (Hardback): 9789024717514

Full citation:

, "The results of the investigations into outer perception and the constitutive analysis of objects of the real world", in: On the motives which led Husserl to transcendental idealism, Berlin, Springer, 1975