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Publication details

Publisher: Springer

Place: Berlin

Year: 2005

Pages: 143-169

Series: Contributions to Phenomenology

ISBN (Hardback): 9781402032196

Full citation:

George Psathas, "The ideal type in Weber and Schutz", in: Explorations of the life-world, Berlin, Springer, 2005


The development and use of the ideal type construct in the methodology of Max Weber and Alfred Schutz is considered in order to contrast the different purposes for which each of these sociologists made use of the construct. Weber's focus on substantive empirical historical and comparative problems led him to select the ideal type as a methodology suited for making comparisons between the type and empirical reality.Schutz's original interest in the ideal type was to clarify the epistemological and theoretical foundations of the methodology and provide clarifications and explications via a phenomenologically based analysis. His endorsement of the ideal type methodology for sociology was consistent with his view of the theoretical attitude of science and of scientific work but led him away from the detailed empirical study of the world of everyday life which his phenomenological grounding would have made possible.

Cited authors

Publication details

Publisher: Springer

Place: Berlin

Year: 2005

Pages: 143-169

Series: Contributions to Phenomenology

ISBN (Hardback): 9781402032196

Full citation:

George Psathas, "The ideal type in Weber and Schutz", in: Explorations of the life-world, Berlin, Springer, 2005