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Publication details

Publisher: Northwestern University Press

Place: Evanston, IL

Year: 2018

Series: Studies in Phenomenology & Existential Philosophy

ISBN (Hardback): 9780810137936

Full citation:

David Morris, Merleau-Ponty's developmental ontology, Evanston, IL, Northwestern University Press, 2018

Merleau-Ponty's developmental ontology

David Morris

Studies in Phenomenology & Existential Philosophy | 1

Northwestern University Press



Merleau-Ponty's Developmental Ontology shows how the philosophy of Maurice Merleau-Ponty, from its very beginnings, seeks to find sense or meaning within nature, and how this quest calls for and develops into a radically new ontology. David Morris first gives an illuminating analysis of sense, showing how it requires understanding nature as engendering new norms. He then presents innovative studies of Merleau-Ponty's The Structure of Behavior and Phenomenology of Perception, revealing how these early works are oriented by the problem of sense and already lead to difficulties about nature, temporality, and ontology that preoccupy Merleau-Ponty's later work. Morris shows how resolving these difficulties requires seeking sense through its appearance in nature, prior to experience—ultimately leading to radically new concepts of nature, time, and philosophy.


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Publication details

Publisher: Northwestern University Press

Place: Evanston, IL

Year: 2018

Series: Studies in Phenomenology & Existential Philosophy

ISBN (Hardback): 9780810137936

Full citation:

David Morris, Merleau-Ponty's developmental ontology, Evanston, IL, Northwestern University Press, 2018