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Publication details

Publisher: Springer

Place: Berlin

Year: 2018

Pages: 1-29

Series: Lecture Notes in Morphogenesis

ISBN (Hardback): 9783319615929

Full citation:

Dario Compagno, "Introduction", in: Quantitative semiotic analysis, Berlin, Springer, 2018


This introduction provides a bridge between the theoretical background of European semiotics and quantitative research strategies developed within the discipline. In particular, it aims to show the limitations of purely qualitative approaches and how quantitative ones may provide solutions. Regarding the theoretical foundation, we focus on the work of L. Hjelmslev, R. Barthes, A.J. Greimas and U. Eco. These authors form a koiné of semiotic researches sharing references, ends and means. Two strategies of inquiry, integrating quantitative instruments, are shown to emerge from this shared background: naturalizing studies, on the one hand, that aim to harmonize semiotic, psychological and physical results, and immanent studies, on the other hand, making use of statistical and computational tools for exploring the specificity of human language and culture.

Publication details

Publisher: Springer

Place: Berlin

Year: 2018

Pages: 1-29

Series: Lecture Notes in Morphogenesis

ISBN (Hardback): 9783319615929

Full citation:

Dario Compagno, "Introduction", in: Quantitative semiotic analysis, Berlin, Springer, 2018