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Publication details

Publisher: Springer

Place: Berlin

Year: 1986

Pages: 197-211

Series: Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science

ISBN (Hardback): 9789401088947

Full citation:

, "On the limits of symbolic interpretation in anthropology", in: Thinking about society, Berlin, Springer, 1986

On the limits of symbolic interpretation in anthropology

pp. 197-211

in: I. C. Jarvie, Thinking about society, Berlin, Springer, 1986


An ethnographer observes a man killing a sheep by cutting its throat. A bystander, when asked what is going on, replies: “He is making an offering to the ancestors”. What is the logical status of such a statement? What does it “mean” apart from its standing as a description of the sacrificer’s actions? How does it come to mean what it means? Does it always mean the same thing? These are issues of great complexity and, for anthropologists anyway, of great importance. Does it always mean the same thing? These are issues of great complexity and, for anthropologists anyway, of great importance.

Publication details

Publisher: Springer

Place: Berlin

Year: 1986

Pages: 197-211

Series: Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science

ISBN (Hardback): 9789401088947

Full citation:

, "On the limits of symbolic interpretation in anthropology", in: Thinking about society, Berlin, Springer, 1986