40 Publications
1 - 12 >Business engagement, mental models, and philosophy in the globalized world
in: Elements of a philosophy of management and organization, Berlin,
Critical realism, organization theory, methodology, and the emerging science of reconfiguration
in: Elements of a philosophy of management and organization, Berlin,
Epistemological issues and aspects of organizational practice
in: Elements of a philosophy of management and organization, Berlin,
Philosophy of management
concepts of management from the perspectives of systems theory, phenomenological hermeneutics, corporate religion, and existentialism
in: Elements of a philosophy of management and organization, Berlin,
The ethical consequences of brand management
a system-theoretical approach
in: Elements of a philosophy of management and organization, Berlin,
The philosophy of management
philosophy as a challenge to business, management as a challenge to philosophy
in: Elements of a philosophy of management and organization, Berlin,
Values and the limits of economic rationality
critical remarks on "economic imperialism"
in: Elements of a philosophy of management and organization, Berlin,
40 Publications
1 - 12 >