Publication details
Year: 2019
Pages: 647-672
Series: Human Studies
Full citation:
, "The a priori critique of the possibility of a phenomenology of religion", Human Studies 42 (4), 2019, pp. 647-672.

The a priori critique of the possibility of a phenomenology of religion
a response to the special issue on "Schutz and religion"
pp. 647-672
in: Human Studies 42 (4), 2019.Abstract
This paper offers a critique of the special issue of Human Studies (vol. 40) on "Alfred Schutz and Religion". Following a line similar to that of Dominique Janicaud I call into question the very phenomenological status of the "phenomenology of religion" developed across the various contributions. Appealing to the Husserlian principle of freedom from presuppositions my critique focuses on the way these phenomenologies of religion talk about "religion". At their core, the failure contained within these contributions is the failure to properly consider a question which begins any undergraduate Religious Studies program—what is "religion"? I charge that because these contributions take it as 'self-evident" what religion "is' they allow a metaphysical assertion into their phenomenology which breaches the "neutrality" demanded of the principle of freedom from presuppositions. Drawing on the work of the Critical Religion project in Religious Studies I further highlight how this metaphysical assertion predicates an unavoidable ideological assertion, one which serves colonial mechanics of exclusion.
Cited authors
Publication details
Year: 2019
Pages: 647-672
Series: Human Studies
Full citation:
, "The a priori critique of the possibility of a phenomenology of religion", Human Studies 42 (4), 2019, pp. 647-672.