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Publication details

Verlag: Springer

Ort: Berlin

Jahr: 2018

Pages: 9-20

Reihe: Human Arenas

Volle Referenz:

Alan Rayner, "The vitality of the intangible", Human Arenas 1 (1), 2018, pp. 9-20.

The vitality of the intangible

crossing the threshold from abstract materialism to natural reality

Alan Rayner

pp. 9-20

in: Human Arenas 1 (1), 2018.


This pioneering article explores why, fundamentally, so many of us abide by a perception that objectively isolates our receptive self-centres as singular points of mass, and asks whether there is a way of perceiving Nature and human nature that incorporates rather excludes our emotional, soulful and spiritual qualities. The answers offered come down to understanding the relationship between natural space and boundaries as sources of receptive continuity and dynamic distinction—not causes of definitive discontinuity. This co-creative, receptive-responsive relationship between space as an intangible presence of stillness everywhere and energetic flux as informative movement is considered to be central to the dynamic origin of living form and matter itself. Exclusively objective perception prevents awareness of this relationship, resulting in partial, purely mechanistic and selective interpretations of life, evolution and human nature that are psychologically, socially and environmentally damaging as well as scientifically unrealistic. Natural inclusional awareness of the vitality of the intangible allows more comprehensive, fluid understandings to be developed that encourage more compassionate, sustainable and creative ways of life.

Publication details

Verlag: Springer

Ort: Berlin

Jahr: 2018

Pages: 9-20

Reihe: Human Arenas

Volle Referenz:

Alan Rayner, "The vitality of the intangible", Human Arenas 1 (1), 2018, pp. 9-20.