Publication details
Year: 2012
Pages: 583-605
Series: Human Studies
Full citation:
, "Talking the talk", Human Studies 35 (4), 2012, pp. 583-605.

Talking the talk
the interactional construction of community and identity at conversation analytic data sessions in japan
pp. 583-605
in: Martin Endreß, Stefan Nicolae (eds), In memory of Harold Garfinkel, Human Studies 35 (4), 2012.Abstract
A communities of practice framework views learning in terms of identity (trans)formation within and through participation, utilizing a set of shared resources, in a community organized around a joint endeavor, or practice. From an ethnomethodological perspective, however, the theoretical notions of community, shared resources, and identity constitute not explanatory resources, but rather topics requiring data-grounded exploration. In other words, the following empirical questions arise: If and how the participants (a) organize their group as community, (b) co-constitute a shared repertoire of participatory resources, and (c) work up and manage identities as practitioners within that community. In the present study, I examine interactions at conversation analytic data sessions in Japan. The analyses focus on how the participants use terminology during their participation in doing data analysis, and how such terminology use is implicated in constituting their group as a community, and in working up and managing identities within that community.
Publication details
Year: 2012
Pages: 583-605
Series: Human Studies
Full citation:
, "Talking the talk", Human Studies 35 (4), 2012, pp. 583-605.