Publication details
Jahr: 2012
Reihe: Human Studies
Volle Referenz:
Martin Endreß, Stefan Nicolae (eds), In memory of Harold Garfinkel, Human Studies 35 (4), 2012.
In memory of Harold Garfinkel
Early glimmers of the now familiar ethnomethodological themes in Garfinkel's "the perception of the other"
Timothy Koschmann
Suspending belief and suspending doubt
the everyday and the virtual in practices of factuality
Nicolas J. Zaunbrecher
The way from the ideal of science
the other motivation for the transcendental phenomenological reduction in the doctoral dissertation of dorion Cairns
Lester Embree
Categorial occasionality and transformation
analyzing culture in action
Sally Hester, Stephen Hester
Talking the talk
the interactional construction of community and identity at conversation analytic data sessions in japan
Cade Bushnell