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Publication details

Verlag: Springer

Ort: Berlin

Jahr: 2015

Reihe: Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science

ISBN (Undefined): 9783319100302

ISBN (Paperback): 9783319100319

Volle Referenz:

Mark Van Atten, Essays on Gödel's reception of Leibniz, Husserl and Brouwer, Berlin, Springer, 2015

Essays on Gödel's reception of Leibniz, Husserl and Brouwer

Mark Van Atten

Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science | 35




Cited authors

Publication details

Verlag: Springer

Ort: Berlin

Jahr: 2015

Reihe: Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science

ISBN (Undefined): 9783319100302

ISBN (Paperback): 9783319100319

Volle Referenz:

Mark Van Atten, Essays on Gödel's reception of Leibniz, Husserl and Brouwer, Berlin, Springer, 2015