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Michael R. Matthews

9 Publications

Feng shui

an overlooked topic for critical rationalists


Michael R. Matthews

in: Encouraging openness, Berlin,


the history, purpose and content of the Springer international handbook of research in history, philosophy and science teaching


Michael R. Matthews

in: International handbook of research in history, philosophy and science teaching, Berlin,

Pendulum motion

a case study in how history and philosophy can contribute to science education


Michael R. Matthews

in: International handbook of research in history, philosophy and science teaching, Berlin,

Methodology and politics in science

the fate of Huygens' 1673 proposal of the seconds pendulum as an international standard of length and some educational suggestions


Michael R. Matthews

in: Science education and culture, Berlin,

Science education and culture

the contribution of history and philosophy of science


Fabio Bevilacqua, Enrico Giannetto, Michael R. Matthews (eds)

Berlin, Springer

Multicultural science education

the contribution of history and philosophy of science


Michael R. Matthews

in: Science, mind and art, Berlin,

9 Publications