Simon Critchley
5 Publications

Von Kung-fu bis Ladypower
Peter Catapano, Simon Critchley (eds)
Metzler - Stuttgart
In diesem Buch gelingt der Gegenwartsphilosophie endlich der Ausgang aus ihrer akademischen Unzugänglichkeit. Ursprünglich veröffentlicht im mittlerweile legendären Philosophie-Blog "The Stone" der New York Times liegen hier erstmals 33 der wichtigsten Essays auf Deutsch vor.

Laclau: a critical reader
Simon Critchley (ed)
Routledge - London
The first full-length critical appraisal of Laclau's work, with contributions from leading philosophers and theorists. The collection includes replies to his critics by Laclau and the important exchange between Laclau and Judith Butler on equality.

The Cambridge companion to Levinas
Simon Critchley, Robert Bernasconi (eds)
Cambridge University Press - Cambridge

A companion to continental philosophy
Simon Critchley, William Schroeder (eds)
Blackwell - Oxford
Covering the complete development of post-Kantian Continental philosophy, this volume serves as an essential reference work for philosophers and those engaged in the many disciplines that are integrally related to Continental and European Philosophy. .
5 Publications